Sunday, 27 November 2011

Performance Projects

Things have got so crazy recently, Performance Projects have really kicked in and we're all very busy.

A couple of weeks ago, Influx had our intensive with our choreographer, Matthias Sperling.  It was a hectic week, where we were set a variety of tasks including creating evolving walks, learning tongue twisters, singing songs as well as lots of stuff.  Eventually, Matthias pulled together all the little elements to create our piece.  The basic concept is, our company is split in half each peforming the piece after eachother.  We travelling around the edges of the gallery twice performing different tasks at each 'station'. 

Some of the tasks in our piece really involve involve using your brain.  We really have to think about our movement.  Something that required a lot of time and effort was working on the 'clock faces'.  We had to rearrange the numbers 1 to 12, three times.  My number sequences are the following:

A)  4, 5, 7, 2, 8, 11, 3, 9, 12, 1, 6, 10
B)  3, 6, 9, 12, 10, 7, 2, 5, 11, 8, 4
C) 2, 7 ,9, 5, 11, 8, 3, 4, 12, 10, 6, 1

We then had to imagine a clock face on the floor and step to each number in our sequence to create a phrase.

I'm really enoying this module but its a lot of hard work.  We have our performances next week and then its all over.

1 comment:

  1. hello Abi! I really love your writing, it is interesting to see what your process was and how Matthias worked with your group. I think that the idea of the "clock faces" sounds really complicated, but when I watched your performance, I could see how easy and free you all moved, even if the basic concept is a very complicated. Well done!!!
