On the 4th December I wrote the following list in my journal in relation to the work we were doing in class...
Feel the body.
The Limbs. Arms. Legs. Head. Tail.
Organised around one special point.
The navel.
My body isn't 2D.
It has many surfaces.
Remember that.
The rest of the sessions this month were preparing for our group tutorials. Below are my notes for that tutorial.
Any questions with BMC patterns?
Mouthing Pattern – I don’t really connect with this pattern. I understand the concept but find it difficult to experience it.
I’ve found that I’ve been noticing the patterns in some of the other classes.
I find blogging and journaling a lot easier and more enjoyable this year.
Witnessing and Hands On work is the most useful to me. I feel like I learn more through these two practices.
Self study is useful for really understanding something we’ve been doing in class. Its good to have some time on your own a few days after class to work at your own pace and explore things more.
Movement Principles
The floor phrase demonstrates the movement principles best.
Individual Questions
Books from the module guide
Anatomy Colouring book
Making an Entrance
Body, Space, Image
Wisdom of the body moving
Looked on some of the web resources
Class reading – most interesting and why?
The most recent reading pulled everything together and was enjoyable to read.
The videos of the babies was useful when you got over the cuteness and knew what you were looking for. Inside the cell, changed the images I have in my head when thinking of my cells.
Blog Posts
Can’t access Anita’s blog. Nicci’s posts are short but I like the images.
How has my practice developed? Reflective practice. Connections across classes. Which movement principal is most useful?
In other classes I’m using the cellular breathing and yielding at the beginning of classes. Also through witnessing, I can understand the notion of awareness of self, others and the environment.
Develop practice next term
Layering the practices in my movement, especially the mouthing pattern.
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